Stimulates collagen production
Repairs and maintains connective tissues
Key Benefits :
0.33 MG
Helps prevent wrinkles and sagging skin
Increases the fibril size in collagen
Strengths immature collagen
Repairs oxidative stress
Builds collagen
Key Benefits :
3 MG
Delays formation of wrinkles
Boosts Collagen synthesis
Protects against oxidative stress
Repairs UV damage in skin
Maintains healthy, youthful skin
Key Benefits :
5 MG
Regenerates Vitamin C, Vitamin E
Improves fine lines and wrinkles
Reverses skin cell damage
Inhibits cross-linking which contributes to the formulation of wrinkles
Key Benefits :
Alpha Lipoic Acid
60 MG
Protects skin from free radicals
Stimulates microcirculation
Is an anti-inflammatory
Inhibits enzymes that break down collagen
Increases skin firmness, water content and elasticity
Key Benefits :
Green Tea Extract
160 MG
Negates free radicals
Boosts collagen development
Renews skin cells
Helps skin stay firm, supple and moisturised
Protects and repairs the skin from sun damage
Key Benefits :
Grape Seed Extract
160 MG
Stimulates fibroblasts
Converts proline to hydroxyproline
Maintains firm and youthful skin
Combats collagen degradation
Combats oxidative stress
Repairs ageing and photo-damaged skin
Key Benefits :
Vitamin C
260 MG
Hydrates the skin
Increases volume and density
Supports collagen and elastin
Lowest molecular weight (50kDa)
95% absorption
Key Benefits :
Hyaluronic Acid
Hydrolysed collagen or hydrolysed gelatin is a special type of gelatin with a much lower molecular weight (MW)
Enzymatic hydrolysis process yields short-chained peptides having a low mean MW of approximately 3 kilodaltons (kDa) (mean chain length of 25 – 30 amino acids)
Offers excellent solubility – 95% absorption
Amino-acid composition of the peptides resembles that of collagen in human articular (joint) cartilage
High content of the amino acids hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine as is characteristic of collagen. The predominant amino acids in Arthred™ hydrolysed collagen – glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, lysine, and hydroxylysine